Cav Empt


  • ROLE

    UI design / Coding

  • DATE

    Mar 2019


    Indiviusal school project from the third year




This is a school project ask us to design a company website for front-end use, the theme is open, you can choose any kind of company that you are interested in. For me, I think Japanese fashion is really a good chance for me to practice web design, not only because of my personal interest but also that nowadays it will provide lots of opportunities for web design with the rise of Japanese fashion.



After brainstorms and researches, I decided on the art directions and style guides for my website. I chose military green and black combine with different grays as main color patterns to highlight the “military” and “cargo” in Japanese fashion, and I focus on the typographic style which is the key idea of this fashion and using a lot of white space to make my website keep a "minimal" style. Based on that idea I made style guideline for the website, you can visit here: http://www.sfu.ca/~xiangyix/p02_new/




This project is one of the few website designed for purchase-oriented purposes, which means the whole process from choosing clothing in the product list to check out is the most important part of this website. The Problem that I had to face is finding the balance between appealing “styles” and user-friendly purchase process. The solution is quite simple, using wire frames to test different layouts. In this case, javascript helps me to accomplish the interactions and most of interactions using hover to change the images without click which also follows my “minimal” design style.